Entrepreneurship and business platform that offers content and tools intended to help people create and grow their businesses in Latin America.
Client Pymerang
Region San Antonio, TX, USA
Services Brand & Software Development
Year 2013 – Present
Link http://pymerang.com/
- Article content repository.
- Recommended articles.
- Surveys.
- Several other small projects move around Pymerang.com, from lead generation pages to a small store.
- Pymerang receives around +250,000 visits per month, which led us to design a data collection layer that collected +5 million in a year and a half of gathering. We are using that data to train a Machine Learning recommendation system able to provide better content suggestions to Pymerang’s visitors, in order to improve traffic and get to know better our users.
- Ruby on Rails 4.2
- PostgreSQL.
- Sass, Slim, and CoffeeScript.
- jQuery & Bootstrap.