This is an Android app for tablets built on top of Ionic 3 and Angular 4. With this application, the Eat’s On food providers receive, accept and process orders for Eat’s On customers. The orders are received as push notifications and then the process to complete them starts, notifying the server about the advance, which will let the customers know.
Client Eat’s On
Region Costa Rica
Services Mobile Development
Year 2017-2018
- Orders processing with a state machine and callbacks communicating the advance.
- Data push notifications based events.
- To efficiently communicate from server to app the new orders, without having to pull new data in a cycle, we use push notifications with attached data to push the orders to the app, avoiding constant requests to the server.
- Real-time connection between food providers, customers, and administrators to let everybody knows the status of each order.
- Ionic 3
- Angular 4
- Ruby on Rails 4 (Server Side)
- One Signal for Push Notifications